With league play just two weeks away, the Shoreline Deadboltz and the Ballard Tullamore Dew Crew have came to terms on the leagues first player trade. The Dew Crew will be trading Jen Frazier, a spunky right armer from Redmond WA. for Mongolian superstar Daniel, "Hero", Hatanbaatarand and a player to be named latter. Brandon LaValley, the captain of the Deaboltz stated that he likes Jen's go gett-em attitude and drinking style and is happy to have her part of the teams. When asked about the trade, the new Deadboltz player Hero Hatanbaatarand stated, Би шинэ багтайгаа дартс тоглохдоо баяртай байна, гэхдээ Tillamore Dew гэж юу вэ?
November 2023