Board NOMInations Are NOW OPEN!Nominations close midnight on Friday, November 15.
Nominate yourself or someone else now!
ECDO Needs You To Serve on the Board
Both in North America and around the world, Darts is growing in popularity. The ECDO aims to serve the greater Seattle area by providing a fun and safe community to learn, improve, and compete in steel tip darts. The organization can only run by the generous support of the volunteers running the organization. If you want to help give back to this community, you can serve on the board of directors which governs and runs the leagues, tournaments, and clinics in the area. No previous experience necessary!
Nominate yourself and/or your teammates
Please ask your teammates and others in the league if they are interested in being nominated for a position on the board. If you or someone on your team has the desire to serve, nominate them or yourself using the form below.
The Election Process.
From the middle of October until the 15th of November, candidates can be nominated to serve on ECDO board for 2025. After nominations close, we will confirm with the candidates and give them the opportunity to campaign if the board seat is contested. Nominees are encouraged to attend the monthly board meeting held Tuesday, December 3rd. The election will be held using an online voting system and will be open for voting from early December until December 21st. The new board will take over at the first meeting in January.
Both in North America and around the world, Darts is growing in popularity. The ECDO aims to serve the greater Seattle area by providing a fun and safe community to learn, improve, and compete in steel tip darts. The organization can only run by the generous support of the volunteers running the organization. If you want to help give back to this community, you can serve on the board of directors which governs and runs the leagues, tournaments, and clinics in the area. No previous experience necessary!
Nominate yourself and/or your teammates
Please ask your teammates and others in the league if they are interested in being nominated for a position on the board. If you or someone on your team has the desire to serve, nominate them or yourself using the form below.
The Election Process.
From the middle of October until the 15th of November, candidates can be nominated to serve on ECDO board for 2025. After nominations close, we will confirm with the candidates and give them the opportunity to campaign if the board seat is contested. Nominees are encouraged to attend the monthly board meeting held Tuesday, December 3rd. The election will be held using an online voting system and will be open for voting from early December until December 21st. The new board will take over at the first meeting in January.
Overview of positions
1. Shall preside at all meetings.
2. May vote only to break a tie.
3. Signature may be one of 4 valid signatures on checking and savings accounts.
1. Shall assist the President in maintaining the efficiency of the operation.
2. In the absence of the President, shall assume the duties normally performed by the President.
3. Signature may be one of 4 valid signatures on both checking and savings accounts.
1. Shall record minutes of all meetings, distribute meeting notices and file copies of such.
2. Create score sheets A and sign-up sheets for each season.
3. Signature may be one of 4 valid signatures on checking and savings accounts.
1. Shall have custody of all ECDO funds and shall promptly deposit all moneys received.
2. Collect all fees and fines.
3. Shall be required to submit a treasurer’s report quarterly.
4. Shall submit the books for an annual audit and file necessary tax forms for ECDO.
5. Signature may be one of 4 valid signatures on checking and savings accounts.
Competition Secretary
1. Shall organize and direct all activities for league play as well as organize and direct special tournaments and special events. This will include reporting and helping the Secretary if necessary.
2. Shall preside over all meetings of Protest Committees.
Membership Secretary
1. Shall work with the membership regarding any ideas, complaints and/or problems.
2. Shall work with the Treasurer on collection of past due fees.
ADO Rep and Publicity Manager
1. Shall organize and direct any ADO sanctioned tournament or special event.
2. Shall distribute ADO material to all league taverns, report tournament result to ADO including 180s in league or tournaments.
3. Shall publish ECDO news as needed.
Tavern Representative
1. Shall be available to reflect the views and interests of sponsors in the league at Board meetings.
2. Shall monitor disputes at participating venues.
A-League Representative
1. Shall report the views and serve the interests of the A-league players at Board meetings.
2. Shall communicate Board actions that effect A-league players to these players in a timely manner.
B-League Representative
1. Shall report the views and serve the interests of the B-league players at Board meetings.
2. Shall communicate Board actions that effect B-league players to these players in a timely manner.
Tournament Director
1. Shall be responsible for planning and executing tournaments throughout the year.
IT Director
1. Shall be responsible for the computer and technical information services of the organization.
1. Shall preside at all meetings.
2. May vote only to break a tie.
3. Signature may be one of 4 valid signatures on checking and savings accounts.
1. Shall assist the President in maintaining the efficiency of the operation.
2. In the absence of the President, shall assume the duties normally performed by the President.
3. Signature may be one of 4 valid signatures on both checking and savings accounts.
1. Shall record minutes of all meetings, distribute meeting notices and file copies of such.
2. Create score sheets A and sign-up sheets for each season.
3. Signature may be one of 4 valid signatures on checking and savings accounts.
1. Shall have custody of all ECDO funds and shall promptly deposit all moneys received.
2. Collect all fees and fines.
3. Shall be required to submit a treasurer’s report quarterly.
4. Shall submit the books for an annual audit and file necessary tax forms for ECDO.
5. Signature may be one of 4 valid signatures on checking and savings accounts.
Competition Secretary
1. Shall organize and direct all activities for league play as well as organize and direct special tournaments and special events. This will include reporting and helping the Secretary if necessary.
2. Shall preside over all meetings of Protest Committees.
Membership Secretary
1. Shall work with the membership regarding any ideas, complaints and/or problems.
2. Shall work with the Treasurer on collection of past due fees.
ADO Rep and Publicity Manager
1. Shall organize and direct any ADO sanctioned tournament or special event.
2. Shall distribute ADO material to all league taverns, report tournament result to ADO including 180s in league or tournaments.
3. Shall publish ECDO news as needed.
Tavern Representative
1. Shall be available to reflect the views and interests of sponsors in the league at Board meetings.
2. Shall monitor disputes at participating venues.
A-League Representative
1. Shall report the views and serve the interests of the A-league players at Board meetings.
2. Shall communicate Board actions that effect A-league players to these players in a timely manner.
B-League Representative
1. Shall report the views and serve the interests of the B-league players at Board meetings.
2. Shall communicate Board actions that effect B-league players to these players in a timely manner.
Tournament Director
1. Shall be responsible for planning and executing tournaments throughout the year.
IT Director
1. Shall be responsible for the computer and technical information services of the organization.